"So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."  John 8:36

What is ACAC


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AC Adult Child

The Problem

of a Recovering
Adult Child

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Critical Times



Children of Alcoholics

*  28-34 million Americans are children of Alcoholics

*  50-60% of All alcoholics are also Children of alcoholics

*  One out of every six families in the typical American community is affected by alcoholism

*  Alcohol is a significant factor in 90% of child abuse cases.

*  Alcoholism runs in families: Suicide runs in alcoholic families.

*  Biological offspring of the alcoholic are the group at highest risk for alcoholism, even if raised in a non alcoholic environment.

*  Children of Alcoholics are statistically prone to marry those who have alcoholism.

*  50% of known incest victims lived in homes where there was alcoholism.

*  70% of all families in alcoholism treatment had an alcoholic somewhere in a three generation span.

*  4 to 6 children out of 25 in a classroom come from alcoholic homes.

*  52% of children with one alcoholic parent will be alcoholic: up to 90% when both parents are alcoholic.

*  Children of Alcoholics adapt to the chaos and inconsistency of an alcoholic home by developing an inability to trust, an extreme need to control, an excessive sense of responsibility, and the denial of feelings. This results in low self-esteem, depression, isolation, difficulty in maintaining satisfying relationships, and guilt.

*  Only 5% of the Children of alcoholics are receiving help in understanding and coping with their problems.

What is ACAC? - Alcoholics for Christ Adult Children (ACAC) is a support group for Adults who have grown up in an alcoholic family system or any dysfunctional background.

Who may participate? - Anyone who identifies with the issues and is willing to deal with them. (anyone open to change).

How do the support groups work? - Each week participants of ACAC group come together in an atmosphere of freedom, safety, love, hope, and honesty. The 12 steps of Alcoholics for Christ are applied as well as selected scriptures. And "The PROBLEM" list to help identify issues.

What direction is given? - Group leaders are trained to lead a discussion group; And give direction on a limited level. In cases where the individual is dealing with deeper issues and change is difficult, we recommend individual counseling with a Christian professional, Pastor, and/or church leader, in conjunction with weekly meetings.

What are the Priorities of ACAC? - Our purpose in the discussion group is to become more like Christ and to increase in fellowship with God. We do this by becoming open and transparent with GOD, Ourselves, and others allowing the Lord to "brick by brick" remove the walls of REJECTION, HURT, MISTRUST, UNFORGIVENESS, and ANGER that have separated us not only from God, but from ourselves and others as well.

Truly, God wants us to be whole, and if we will put into practice the principals set forth in these steps, and open ourselves to God's word and the interaction of the tables, God will heal us and restore us beyond our wildest imagination.

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