"So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."  John 8:36

Laying the

Are You an

12 Steps
to a Slip

List of




12 Steps to a Slip

Every slip has a beginning  -  Know Your Danger Signals

  1. Start missing meetings for any reason, real or imaginary.
  2. Become critical of the methods used by other members, who may not agree with you in everything.
  3. Nurse the idea that someday, somehow, you can drink again and become a controlled drinker.
  4. Let the other fellow do the 12th Step work in your group. You are to busy.
  5. Become conscious of your A/C "Seniority" and view every new member with skeptical and jaundiced eye.
  6. Become so pleased with your own views of the program, that you consider yourself an "Elder Statesman."
  7. Start a small clique within your own group, composed of only a few members who see eye to eye with you.
  8. Tell the new member in confidence that you yourself do not take certain of the 12 steps seriously.
  9. Let your mind dwell more and more on how much you are helping others rather than on how much the A/C program is helping you.
  10. If an unfortunate member has a slip, drop him at once.
  11. Cultivate the habit of borrowing money from other members, then stay away from the meetings to avoid embarrassment.
  12. Look upon the 24-hour plan as a vital thing for new members, but not for yourself. You have outgrown the need of that long ago.

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